Because bathroom floors are gross…

We stumbled on on Twitter a couple months ago and wondered where it had been all our lives… we have our own mental list of local safe spots to change our baby while out and about (Barnes and Noble, Albee Baby).  And we also have a running tally of restaurants with no changing table (sometimes excusable) and those that only have a changing table in the women’s bathroom (inexcusable!).  We’re talking to you, Ditch Plains

So we were thrilled to find a resource where we can—at a click (or iPhone swipe)—figure out where we can change a diaper without laying our little one on a filthy floor.

Help ‘em (and the rest of us) out by adding your own stand-by spots to change a baby.

photo credit: AjDele Photography via photopin cc

Ally Downey

Ally Downey is the founder and CEO of weeSpring. She's also the author of Here's the Plan: Your Practical, Tactical Guide to Advancing Your Career During Pregnancy and Parenthood. You can follow her on Twitter at @allysondowney.

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