Tagged: pictures

weeLove: Your Latest Photo App Addiction

Think Your Baby Pics Couldn’t Get Any Cuter? Think Again. OBABY TAKES PHOTOS UP A NOTCH If you’re like us, your phone is full of photos documenting every adorable moment of your baby’s life. Obaby, a new iOS app, helps you turn those memories into lovely artwork. Search their library...

weeLove: It’s Over in a Blink

The New Old-School Photo Album MAKE YOUR MEMORIES LAST WITH BLINKBUGGY We’re a little old-fashioned at weeSpring: as addicted as we are to our smartphones and various other techie stuff, there’s still something about a photo album or book to make childhood memories feel more… well, memorable. Blinkbuggy brings you...

weeLove: Not Your Mother’s Baby Book

There’s An App For That NOTABLI MAKES GRANDPARENTS HAPPY These days, every parent with a smartphone is sitting on a mountain of video clips.  There are the milestones (first haircut!) and the mundane (eating macaroni!), but they’re stuck on your phone, unlabeled and jumbled together. Notabli takes all of your...