Author: weeGuest

parabens, Phthalates, Sulphates

Guest Blog: Parabens, Phthalates, Sulphates, Oh My!

Most moms-to-be try to stay away from unpasteurized cheese, undercooked meat and unwashed fruits and veggies while pregnant. But, many are unaware of the other big offenders – those that lurk in our cosmetic drawers – that can be equally as harmful during pregnancy. In other words, what we smother...

Guest Blog: Breastfeeding on the Go with Mamava

It has been almost eight years since my daughter was born. Breastfeeding came easier the second time around with a baby who happily transitioned between breast and bottle. When I went back to work I could pump in my private office, but when I hit the road I was forced...

Guest Blog: Pacifying Your Love of Wine

Finding the perfect wine is much like finding the perfect name for your child: it’s personal, you’ll try quite a few before you get it right, and you’ll savor it forever. As a wine loving geek, I waited only as long as it took the nurse to disconnect my epidural...

Guest Blog: Work-Life Balance?

Shopping. It’s one of my great passions, and I’ve had the wonderful luck to be able to turn it not just into my hobby but my job, too. I started after I had my third child – it hit me as I was pulling out of the driveway when...

Guest Blog: The Honest Toddler’s Guide to Children’s Literature

We love books. Period. And we really, really love Honest Toddler. Books Books are wonderful entertainment, gum, and weapons. Many parents read whole stories and don’t skip pages, but I wouldn’t know anything about that. When you’re done texting, take a moment to learn about toddler favorites. The Giving Tree: LOVE Don’t...