Category: weeSpring

hi little one weeLove by weeSpring

weeLove: Knock your Next Baby Gift Out of the Park

Get Personal BABY GIFTS FROM HI LITTLE ONE The perfect personalized baby gift can be hard to come by. Some are too fancy. Some are too cheesy. But here’s a brand whose style is just right… Hi Little One gives classic onesies, tees, sweatshirts, hats and totes a cool twist....

weeLove: Avoid the Dirty Cup Pile-Up

“PhillUp” and Hang Up A CLEVER CUP FROM PUJ Little ones are notorious for asking for beverages, taking a mere two sips, and then leaving a cup trail all over the house. If the clutter is driving you crazy, here’s a solution to minimize the mess. The Puj Phillup is...

summer gear

2016 Summer Gear Round Up

Summer means longer days, popsicles, and lightening bugs. It’s also the season where we as parents tend to be a little more lax about those nap schedules or rules regarding eating ice cream before dinner. Wherever your summer plans take you–to the beach, to the Grandparent’s, or even just around...

weeLove: Your Diaper Bag, Incognito

Don’t Let a Diaper Bag Cramp Your Style GET TOTE SAVVY Not a huge fan of a traditional diaper bag? Now you don’t have to part ways with your favorite handbag when you’re out and about with your baby. ToteSavvy is a sleek insert that creates order on the inside...

weeLove: Goodbye Mom Guilt, Hello Working Mom Superpowers

Work It, Mama A VIDEO CLASS FROM WEESPRING AND MOTHER.LY Working motherhood is demanding—to put it lightly. But even if you feel like you can’t keep your head above water, it’s actually the perfect time to discover strengths and skills you never knew you had (because there’s no one more...

weeLove: Is Your Tot Totally Over the Highchair?

Transform any Seat in Seconds KABOOST PORTABLE CHAIR BOOSTER Toddlers have very strong opinions (clearly, you know this all too well). And when it comes to mealtime, they want to have a say in what they eat, how they eat it, and where they eat it. It goes something like this: spaghetti, by hand, standing on...