Tagged: app

weeLove: It’s Over in a Blink

The New Old-School Photo Album MAKE YOUR MEMORIES LAST WITH BLINKBUGGY We’re a little old-fashioned at weeSpring: as addicted as we are to our smartphones and various other techie stuff, there’s still something about a photo album or book to make childhood memories feel more… well, memorable. Blinkbuggy brings you...

weeLove: All play, no work

A Free App of Activity Ideas for Babies and Toddlers KNOALA IS TESTED AND APPROVED BOREDOM BUSTERS Entertaining your little one takes effort and creativity. And like most parents, you probably run through that bag of tricks faster than you can say macaroni mirror. (If your kid could talk, he’d...

weeLove: Not Your Mother’s Baby Book

There’s An App For That NOTABLI MAKES GRANDPARENTS HAPPY These days, every parent with a smartphone is sitting on a mountain of video clips.  There are the milestones (first haircut!) and the mundane (eating macaroni!), but they’re stuck on your phone, unlabeled and jumbled together. Notabli takes all of your...