Tagged: silicone

weeLove: Baby Food and Milk Storage, Made Simple

Mess-free Meals  QUICK, EASY FEEDING WITH FOODII Making your own baby food takes time, effort and creativity (although sometimes your baby wishes you weren’t so creative). Now there’s an easier, less messy way to bring that healthy goodness on-the-go.  The Kiinde Foodii Starter Kit sets you up with everything you need to feed your...

weeLove: Less Messy Meals

Kid-Proof Plates THE HAPPY MAT SIMPLIFIES MEALTIME If you’re so over spaghetti stained walls, flying plates and overturned bowls, this new (and genius!) mom-invented product will make mealtimes a breeze… The Less Mess Happy Mat from ezpz is a one-piece placemat and plate that self seals to your table. So, even...

weeLove: Put a Lid on It

Smart Sippy Cups A ONE SIZE FITS ALL SOLUTION We love inventions that make things simple. And this one is particularly genius… SipSnap is a spill-proof cup lid that’s molded with elastic silicone to provide an airtight seal over any cup without handles. So rather than devoting an entire wing...