Burning Questions
We spent this past Saturday morning running some errands as a family, and about three blocks from the last one, we heard a soft cough from the backseat… followed by a volcano of baby vomit spewing forth from our 21 month old son.
We’ve been talking a lot here at weeSpring about the burning questions that parents face, and this is one near and dear to us. With a long weekend on the horizon (hooray, Memorial Day!), we thought it would be a good time to ask: what do you do with a carsick baby?
The few tricks in our arsenal so far:
1. Bumkins Waterproof Sleeved Bib: Put it on after you put the baby in the carseat.
2. Ziploc Quart Sized Freezer Bags: Think of them as airsickness bags for the car.
3. Seventh Generation Disinfecting Cleaning Wipes: For the aftermath!
4. DP Clean Spray: This is what our friends at CleanBee Baby recommend to clean baby vomit.
Send us your suggestions to hello@weespring.com, and we’ll publish the best ones in time for your next long drive. (And if you’re the first to suggest something we use in the final list, we’ll send a weeSpring t-shirt your way.)