Tagged: baby bottles

weeLove: The New ChiccoDUO

A Perfectly Balanced Bottle Try this game changing hybrid baby bottle New parents are often on a mythical quest for balance. Juggling all the things is easy—said no one ever! But luckily, some baby products can bring much needed equilibrium into your daily life, like the new ChiccoDUO.  Using advanced medical grade technology,...

weeLove: The Baby’s Brew

Make the perfect bottle, anytime anywhere The Only Battery-Powered Portable Bottle Warmer Like the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears… babies are notorious for wanting their bottle “just right.” And all new parents know exactly what happens when they don’t deliver on that perfect bottle. The Baby’s Brew is a genius...

weeLove como tomo baby bottles

weeLove: The Bottle That Mimics Breastfeeding

Go from Boob to Bottle A SMOOTH TRANSITION WITH COMOTOMO Introducing a bottle when you’re breastfeeding can be tricky (and kind of terrifying) if your little one isn’t on board with the plan. Everyone feels frustrated, and someone is usually crying. But don’t worry, there’s a bottle that’s built for this...