Tagged: food

weeLove: Less Messy Meals

Kid-Proof Plates THE HAPPY MAT SIMPLIFIES MEALTIME If you’re so over spaghetti stained walls, flying plates and overturned bowls, this new (and genius!) mom-invented product will make mealtimes a breeze… The Less Mess Happy Mat from ezpz is a one-piece placemat and plate that self seals to your table. So, even...

weeLove: A Personal Nutritionist?

Smarter Eating RETHINK YOUR MEALS WITH RISE You know that general inferiority complex you feel when you see a celebrity looking absolutely phenomenal at eight months pregnant… or six weeks postpartum? We all know there’s a veritable army around them, helping them look fabulous — including a nutritionist, guiding them...

weeLove: “Choo” on This

A Must-Have for Easier Eating THE SIP’N PREVENTS FOOD POUCH EXPLOSION Babies can’t get enough of a good food pouch. And parents love the convenience. But new eaters can cause quite a feeding frenzy… No outfit or piece of furniture is safe. Created by parents who needed a simple feeding...