Tagged: potty training

weeLove: Make Potty Training a Breeze

Let’s “Doo” This Squatty Potty Pets Getting kiddos to ditch their diapers can be a challenge. Sometimes you need a little reinforcement. That’s where Squatty Potty Pets come to the rescue. This playful seat/stool combo (disguised as a cute bear cub or dog!) makes a trip to the bathroom more...

weeLove: A Super Cool Swap for Nighttime Diapers

Peejamas for Potty Training An Eco-friendly Nighttime Diaper Alternative Potty training can be a process (to say the least!). And even when your kiddo gets in the groove during the day, the overnights may take more time. Peejamas (get it, pee-jamas?) are made with built-in, absorbent underwear that helps children recognize the signs...

weeLove: Tiny Undies for Tiny Bottoms

The Perfect Fit TINY UNDIES FOR POTTY TRAINING AND BEYOND If you have a toddler, you probably can’t remember the last time you actually peed alone. (Oh, the joys of parenting!) But the positive side of having zero privacy means your kiddo is curious about the potty. Help make the...