weeLove: A Thank You Note Hack


Better Than E-cards


Between countless feedings and diaper changes, new parents are running on empty 24/7. Add a case of “baby brain” to the mix, and even the smallest task becomes a big deal. (Can’t find your keys? Check the fridge.) When you finally have time to slow down and unwind, the last thing you want to do is tackle that mile-high stack of unwritten thank you notes. Well, here’s a serious time-saver…

Letterly makes it easy to send a beautifully designed, handwritten note for any occasion without lifting a pen. And they’ll save you a trip to the post office for stamps, too. Simply choose one of their illustrated cards, type in your message, the recipient’s name, and address. Then the Letterly team writes your letter by hand and mails it.

One day you’ll have the time and energy to write your own cards, we promise. But until then, fake it ‘til you make it.


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