Category: Preschooler

weeLove: A Super Cool Swap for Nighttime Diapers

Peejamas for Potty Training An Eco-friendly Nighttime Diaper Alternative Potty training can be a process (to say the least!). And even when your kiddo gets in the groove during the day, the overnights may take more time. Peejamas (get it, pee-jamas?) are made with built-in, absorbent underwear that helps children recognize the signs...

weeLove: Time to Give the Paci the Boot?

Bye-bye Binky FridaBaby Paci Weaning System  Pacifiers serve many purposes… most notably, the magical ability to soothe a fussy baby. But there comes a time in every tots life when their parents decide it’s time to bid that beloved binky farewell. Cue the record screech sound and the crying screech sound.  Don’t...