Tagged: spray

weeLove: The Modern Mom’s Way to Freshen Up

Good Clean Fun 100% NATURAL SKINCARE FROM TUBBY TODD When you’re a new mom, a shower isn’t always in the cards (and you’d pick extra sleep over soap any day). Well, here’s a quick fix for freshening up when you smell like spit-up and need to run errands or hang out with other grownups....

weeLove: A Diaper Rash Game Changer | Dedicated

Need a Diaper Rash Cure? TREAT AND SOOTHE WITH DR. SMITHS Changing a squirmy baby’s diaper can be a daunting task… add diaper rash to the equation and you get two very unhappy campers.  Lots of weeSpring parents (including our co-founder Melissa) turn to Dr. Smith’s Diaper Rash Ointment to deliver instant...