weeLove: What Witching Hour?


The Baby Bump 


Can’t get your newborn to sleep without shushing, swaddling, and pacing the house for hours? We’ve been there and we feel your (back) pain. Good news: the witching hour won’t be here to stay, thanks to this game changer.
Tons of new parents credit the Baby Bump with saving their sanity and their evenings. Unlike the typical fitness stability ball, it has six little legs that keep the seat stationary and safe. So, when your little one needs soothing, sit down and bounce gently to mimic the motion of the womb. (No need to be glued to a rocking chair, since this ball goes anywhere.) Your baby will drift off into dreamland while you catch up on your Netflix queue. It’s a win-win.
The Baby Bump is also a lifesaver during pregnancy when it’s hard to find a comfy spot to sit. It even preps your body for labor through exercises that help open the pelvis. Aside from being a baby sleep savior, it can be used for awesome ab-toning workouts and a place to play with tots as they grow.
Made with the highest-quality materials in Italy (no BPA, latex or phthalates),it’s environmentally friendly, burst-proof, hypoallergenic, and anti-bacterial. A hand-pump is included, too.
The Baby Bump is an all-around lifesaver for new parents.


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1 Response

  1. rula says:

    This would have been great during my pregnancy

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