weeLove: De-stress in 10 minutes 


Clear Your Head


“Mommy Brain” is a common condition that makes it hard to remember your own name or properly put away a gallon of milk. It peaks following the birth of a child and usually persists until they attend college.

Give your mommy (or daddy) brain a much-deserved break with Headspace. This iOS and Android meditation app guides you through the practice of mindful meditation… in just ten minutes a day. Even the busiest new parent can and should treat themselves to that!

Sessions are led by Andy Puddicombe, a meditation and mindfulness expert. (Not only does he kind of sound like Jude Law, but we find his British accent to be instantly calming.) Science shows that this type of meditation leads to peace of mind in the moment and long-term stress management.

The app and first 10 sessions are free, with monthly and yearly subscriptions available. So, toss the to-do list aside, and take a few minutes to just… breathe.

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