weeLove: Not Your Mother’s Baby Book
There’s An App For That |
These days, every parent with a smartphone is sitting on a mountain of video clips. There are the milestones (first haircut!) and the mundane (eating macaroni!), but they’re stuck on your phone, unlabeled and jumbled together.
Notabli takes all of your digital memories — videos, photos, audio, and quotes — and compiles them into a virtual (and private) baby book. Both parents can upload to it from via the iPhone app, which also has photo editing and geolocating built in. The best part? Your days of email-blasting those memorable moments are over. You can invite the grandparents (along with anyone else who can’t get enough of your kid) to subscribe to an email digest for your child, browse on the web, or download the app.
Now you just need to figure out how to bottle that new baby smell.
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We use Notabli to keep track of our 7 week old daughter and its really replaced her baby book. Our phones are always with us so its super simps!