Category: Registry

weeLove: The Nanit Sleep System

So much more than a monitor Say hello to your baby sleep sherpa Is he asleep? What was that sound? Where’s the pacifier? Is the swaddle still okay? Maybe I should just go in there and check (said as you’re already turning the nursery door knob…) If this angst sounds...

weeLove: Go Forward With Ease

Comfort in a Carrier The Go Forward from Infantino There are some days you feel like a superhero (thanks, caffeine!). And other days, the mere thought of lugging around a heavy infant car seat causes instant exhaustion. Lighten your load and “Go Forward” with ease, thanks to Infantino’s awesome new carrier. The...

weeLove: The Sweetest Way to Tell Your Birth Story

Write On The Birth Journal In a world of texts, emails, and apps… some stories call for the real thing: good old fashioned handwriting.  The Birth Journal is a one-of-a-kind place to write (yes, really write) your child’s birth story—instead of typing notes in a Gmail draft that will never see the light of day. This beautiful hardcover book...

weeLove: This GentleBottle Keeps Things Natural

A Feeding Favorite The GentleBottle from Olababy Ever stared down a massive aisle of bottles in a baby store and felt completely overwhelmed about what to buy? You’re not alone. (This exact scenario is what led our founder Ally to create weeSpring!) Skip the store or aimless online searching and check out the...

weeLove: The 3-in-1 Nursery Necessity

Rest Easy A Smarter Nursery with Hatch Baby Need a little more sleep? YES, of course you do! Well, here’s a new nursery essential that’ll make those dreams of better shut-eye (for everyone in the house!) come true. Hatch Baby Rest is a sound machine, nightlight, with an Ok-to-Wake customizable option combined...

weeLove: A Crib You Can Build In Under 5 Minutes

The Crib of Your Dreams A No-Stress Nursery Thanks to Noninoni Kids Assembling a crib is one of the most stressful things on a new parent’s to-do list. It’s time-consuming, involves tools you never have on hand, and that really important final screw is always missing. Exactly the kind of experience you...