weeLove: Give Your “Home Videos” a Modern Upgrade
Transform Moments From Your Phone into a Family Movie
Sometimes the days feel like they’re never ending—especially when you’ve wiped a nose for the zillionth time or stepped on your zillionth Lego. But as any parent knows all too well, childhood flies by in the blink of an eye (sniff, sniff). Although you’ve captured countless sweet memories on your phone, it’s not totally out of the ordinary that those videos will stay there or on the Cloud.
Recording is easy. It’s what to do next that’s hard to find the time and bandwidth to tackle.
Enter revel+spark. Founded by a professional filmmaker, journalist and mom, this team of award-winning (all female!) editors transforms your favorite videos into a family movie your crew will treasure forever. Simply upload the video files to their secure website, and let the pros do the rest. They’ll curate and organize your family’s special moments into a beautiful, one-of-a-kind film, set to music. There are three packages to choose from, depending on how many videos you include and the length of the final movie. (The platinum package allows for up to 200 video files!). You’ll receive a high resolution digital file along with a lovely linen portfolio with USB and archival-grade DVD/Blu-ray disc backups.
Believe it or not, your days of stepping on tiny toys and wiping tiny noses are fleeting. But thanks to revel+spark, you can always go back.
Use the code weeSpring (valid through May 31st) for 10% off your order, plus 1 additional archival linen portfolio.
P.S.—Have a box of tissues handy when you view your family masterpiece!