weeLove: Lights Out in No Time


Need a Magic Sleep Spell?


We’ve all been through bedtime routines that drag out endlessly. There’s always one more book, sip of water, lullaby, trip to the potty, or dramatic protest against sleep. And by the time you tiptoe out of your tot’s room, it’s practically your bedtime. Don’t you wish there was a magic spell that could get your little one snoozing without the usual 100-step process? Well, there kinda is…

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep is a bedtime story that’s been getting tons of buzz on the sleep deprived parent circuit. This tale about a rabbit who can’t fall asleep uses an almost hypnotic sentence structure to help your child relax and drift off to dreamland. There are instructions for parents about when to yawn, emphasize certain words, insert your child’s name, and slow down. (FYI: there’s a warning not to read this book to anyone who is driving a car, if that tells you anything about the effectiveness…)

This book won’t work for every baby or toddler. And there’s a solid chance you’ll fall asleep before your kiddo does. But the possibility of an easier, faster bedtime just might be a dream come true.

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