weeLove: Track your cycle while your sleep
The Ava Bracelet
Fertility, Cycle, and Pregnancy Tracking
Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or trying not to, keeping tabs on your fertility cycle is often a bewildering and time consuming process. Thanks to Ava, you can effortlessly get key info on your fertile window while you sleep—no guesswork, temperature charting, or peeing on a stick.
Created by doctors and researchers, the Ava bracelet detects five fertile days per cycle—boosting your chances of conceiving. You’ll know when your fertile window is beginning and get confirmation when it ends. It also tracks your sleep, stress level, and resting heart rate to provide a big picture view of your health. Just wear it each night while you’re sleeping so it’s sensors can collect data on key physiological parameters. Then sync it with the app on your phone when you wake up for insight. Ava shares graphs and trends, so you can compare your cycle details across each month and gain a better understanding of your body.
Continue tracking with Ava during pregnancy for helpful information on what to expect each week, as well as data on your sleep, stress, weight, and resting pulse rate.
Thanks to Ava, there’s another good reason to get a good night’s sleep.