weeLove: The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades


Cool Shades for Your Cool Kid


Babies in sunglasses are kind of like puppies in Halloween costumes: a little ridiculous, but still so stinkin’ cute. Turns out though, that UV protection for little ones’ eyes is super important. The highest risk for retinal damage from the sun is in children under ten years old, though this damage usually goes unnoticed until adulthood.

ro•sham•bo is the new kid on the block in baby sunglasses, and their Italian-made shades (yes, Italian-made) are BPA- and paint-free.  They’re also virtually indestructible, which is a tall order when you’re handing over a pair of shades to a kid.

And another plus: your toddler in a diaper and some ro•sham•bos can do a pretty solid reenactment of Tom Cruise in Risky Business.  (We speak from experience.)

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