weeLove: An All Natural Bug Repellent? Yes, Please.

weelove buglet all natural bug repellent for kids

Bugs Begone with Buglet


When summer makes its much anticipated appearance, so do the mosquitos… and lots of ’em. But most bug repellants contain harsh chemicals and aren’t designed for little ones. Plus, who needs something else to have to apply before going outside… sunscreen battles are enough hard work! Here’s an easy, safe alternative…

Buglet helps you and your kiddos say buh-bye to bug bites, without the chemicals. This one-size-fits-all bracelet uses 100% natural essential oils to deter those pesky nibblers from getting in the way of a good outdoor play session. The bracelet has a pumice stone head that absorbs oil and consistently releases the scent. (While the oils aren’t intended to be put on the skin, they’re totally safe if they do make contact.) You can control the level of protection and re-load the scent as it fades with the included bottle of repellent oil. These adorable slap bracelets (we love a good 90s throwback) are recommended for kids aged three and up can be worn on wrists or ankles all summer long. They’re also a great choice for expecting moms who want to avoid chemicals.

Your kids will probably get covered in lots of stuff this summer (sand, mud, popsicles) but hopefully not bug bites!


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