Tagged: Sleeping Baby

weeLove: The Monitor That Eases New Parent Nerves

A (Really) Smart Sock Monitor GET PEACE OF MIND FROM OWLET SMART MONITOR New parents are notorious for being wide-awake in the wee hours of the night, even when their baby is sound asleep. Why? Because we’re busy hovering over our little one as he snoozes. Instead of monitoring his every...


Baby Gear Guides: Swaddles & Sleepsacks

weeSpring’s Top-Rated Swaddles & Sleepsacks The weeSpring baby gear guide is crowdsourced from hundreds of thousands of parent recommendations on weeSpring.com. The Best Swaddles & Sleepsacks OUR EDITORS’ PICKS Swaddles Our weeSpring picks are data-driven, based on the feedback of tens of thousands of parents like you — and then...


weeLove: Transitioning from a Swaddle? Start Here.

The Post Swaddle Secret A SOOTHING SLEEP SACK FROM NESTED BEAN Whether your little one is on a roll (literally) or busting out of his swaddle before you can complete the perfect baby burrito, it’s probably time to move onto a sleep sack. Don’t worry… he’ll still feel secure and...

Fairy Tales Come to Life for This Sleeping Baby

For children, their parents are heroes. But in parent-reality, our children are our heroes. Every small step, every little word, every new accomplishment is an achievement, and we celebrate them. It’s not different for Sioin Queenie Liao, a freelance artist living in California. As a mom to three boys, she’s been...