weeLove: Make Potty Training a Breeze
Let’s “Doo” This
Squatty Potty Pets
Getting kiddos to ditch their diapers can be a challenge. Sometimes you need a little reinforcement. That’s where Squatty Potty Pets come to the rescue. This playful seat/stool combo (disguised as a cute bear cub or dog!) makes a trip to the bathroom more fun and effective!
Not only do Potty Pets help your little one feel more comfy on the toilet, they’re designed to naturally ensure healthy posture and better bowel movements. Clinically proven to help with straining and effective elimination, you’ll have a happier child (and less of a soundtrack from the bathroom!).
The seat fits on any standard toilet seats so your little one can comfortably fit on your regular toilet (eliminating the need for a stand-alone seat to dump and clean every time), and it even has a useful splash guard to keep (most) of what’s supposed to go in the potty, stay in the potty.
Potty Pets are easy to use, double as a multipurpose stool, and are made with recyclable or renewable materials. When the time comes to potty train, let your child do their business with a buddy.